People ask you “What’s wrong?” This happens a lot. You always say “nothing.” You are lying. But you are not sure exactly what it is that is wrong. Strangers ask if you need help. Friends ask what they can do for you.
When you are asked these questions, it is kind of like being offered a breath mint. It’s okay to turn down the first breath mint; maybe that person is only being polite. But when the third person in a row offers you a breath mint, they are not being polite – you need the mint. So even if you don’t think you need it, you should accept the mint.
When the third person in a row offers you help for depression, you need help. So even if you don’t think you need it, you should accept their help.
If you can’t think of how they can help, at least thank them for asking. Tell them you are not sure what you need. Listen. Maybe they have something important to say. Let yourself feel the compassion that made them offer.
And when you do figure out what you need, ASK. Your friends didn’t offer their help to be polite. They offered because they care about you. Accept help. Tell them what you need.