Affiliate Disclosure

by Suzanne Grosser

This website is operated by SMG Publishing, LLC. It is completely free for you to use.   We choose the topics and write pages based what we believe will be most helpful to people dealing with post traumatic stress.

Offering this information to you via this site does cost the LLC money.

For that reason, we accept donations directly from readers and may accept advertising.

We may also promote certain products for which the LLC receives compensation. That compensation does not influence the information in this site.

The actual content on sponsored pages is independent of any sponsorship or affiliate relationship.

We always share our honest opinions, beliefs, and experiences.

Please do support the site sponsors. This site takes time and effort to deliver original content, free to you. Supporting its sponsors is a WIN-WIN-WIN for you, us, and them.

We greatly appreciate your loyalty and support as we continue to bring you new articles and information to facilitate your healing from PTSD.

Suzanne Grosser, agent

SMG Publishing, LLC

If you have questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions, please use the form below to contact us.

Affiliate Disclosure

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not much is required;

so little we need

the smallest of dreams,

a mere mustard seed.

a glimpse, or a glimmer,

a flicker of light,

a promise of day

against vapid night.


Suzanne Grosser

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